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helping everyone eat

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This speculative project was the outcome of a group project done under the guidance of Stefano Citi and Claudia Castaldi.

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the brief
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“look to the future and imagine the society of tomorrow in order to imagine and build the food rituals and culinary tools of the future”
investigate water and liquids in all its physical, perceptual and cultural states in both the past and present and develop a physical prototype of a product capable of fitting within the vision of a future culinary rituals

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-the ritual-

food sharing and it's value

The act of eating is related to the basic need of nourishing the body, but it is also intertwined with social practices. We learn to relate food to love since our early years. A clear example is celebrating our birthdays by sharing a cake with the people we love. “To break bread together,” a phrase that captures the power of a meal to strengthen relationships, and puts food as a way to relate to others.

-the problem-

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An immune system response to a specific protein that occurs soon after eating certain foods. While intolerance to certain foods may be concerned towards any nutrient, additive or conservative.

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Although most food allergies cause relatively mild and minor symptoms, some food allergies can cause severe reactions, and may be life-threatening.


There is no cure for food allergies.

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-the theme-


- the process of removing or taking out something
- in Science, extraction is the purification of a substance by removing one part

what if we could extract the allergen and create shareable food?
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The increase in allergies over the past years has had a negative effect on sharing food and has made it difficult to preserve food traditions. We want to create an object that allows food to be enjoyed

within a community by extracting the proteins that cause food allergies so that we, as a society, will be able to keep sharing food.

-the concept-

the possibility to share food without allergy restrictions

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-the design-

hee - help everyone eat


Putting DNA swabs in the product

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Product analyses the DNA swabs and prepares the serum



Serum is ready to be sprinkled onto the shared food

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the scenario

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-final product photography-

hee - help everyone eat

Step 1

Putting DNA swabs in the product


Step 2

Product analyses the DNA swabs and prepares the serum


Step 3

Serum is ready to be sprinkled onto the shared food



© Copyright 2019 by Vyoma Haldipur.
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